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PRE-ORDER - Country Music Album - "The Girl's in Love" by Jan Daley

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**Pre-order "The Girl's in Love" CD: Jan's Country Music Journey**
The Story Behind the Flag
This American flag holds a story deeper than its red, white, and blue. It symbolizes the sacrifice and service of my father, an Air Force Pilot who flew 25 missions during the war.
Two months after the war's end, my father was eager to return home to his wife and his newborn baby girl, Jan. However, his sense of duty led him to volunteer for a mission to pick up P.O.W.'s in Germany. Tragically, he was shot down, leaving me without the chance to meet him.
This flag is more than just a keepsake; it's a connection to my father, a reminder of his bravery and the love he had for his family. Even now, talking about it brings tears to my eyes.

As I traveled the world with Bob Hope as a singer, I always hoped my father was watching over me, proud of the woman I've become. Now, with my new album, "The Girls in Love," I feel his presence more than ever.

One song in particular, "The One She’s Been Waiting For," holds a special place in my heart. It's a tribute to my parents and all the families who endure the pain of separation caused by war.

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