USO Trip To North Vietnam

USO Trip To North Vietnam

Jan Daley, actress-singer touring Southeast Asia with the Bob Hope USO troupe, says she will organize her own troupe of entertainers to tour POW camps in North Vietnam upon her return from the Hope junket.

Miss Daley, who wrote to President Nixon for permission to gain entry into North Vietnam, already has received approval for her proposed tour from the President and the State Department.

The attractive blonde also has obtained approval for her projected tour from James Sheldon, west coast executive director of the USO Overseas Shows.

“The president has asked me to reply to your letter generously offering to entertain American prisoners of war in North Vietnam.”, wrote James P. Murphy, deputy special assistant to the Under the Secretary of State.”

The State Department would have no objection to your visiting North Vietnam for such a humanitarian project.”

Sheldon said: “I would be happy to produce the show for her (Jan Daley). I am sympathetic and friendly to the idea of her entertaining the POW’s and am anxious to get involved in the production of this type.

I will make a presentation of the idea to the USO Committee to obtain their sanction of approval for the tour of North Vietnam POW camps.”

Miss Daley’s father was killed in a combat mission, after trying to pick up POW’s.
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